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EDC-07/28/2004 Regular

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, and James Murray.

Members absent: Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, Janis Murtha, and Daniel Rys.

Alternates present:     John Mitchell sitting for Janis Murtha.

Alternates absent:      Susan Burnham and Carolyn Egan.


Chairperson Anthony introduced Peter DeMallie and Robert Delisle who were in attendance and requesting a tax abatement for Metal Testing Company.

Peter DeMallie presented an exhibit on behalf of his client, Metal Testing Company.
Robert Delisle, President of Metal Testing Company.  Mr. DeMallie also gave an overview of Visions Salon & Spa located at 207 Buckland Road.

Metal Testing Company was founded in 1980, originally located on Sullivan Avenue.  They  relocated within the Town and built two additions at their current location.  Their five-year plan includes expansion in two phases.  Phase I contemplates a 5,400 square foot expansion, the addition of three to five employees, and the acquisition of $300,000 worth of new personal property.  Phase II would constitute a 7,500 square foot expansion, the addition of another ten to fifteen employees and more than $2 million in new personal property.  The estimated total cost of real property improvements is $600,000 for Phase I and $835,000 for Phase II.

Mr. DeMallie stated that in order to move forward with these plans, they need the partnership of the Town.  Therefore, they are requesting the maximum tax abatement for the real property improvements contemplated in both phases of this expansion.
The Chairperson asked for input from the Commission, and Mr. Carino responded that it seems to be a reasonable request as long as they meet all of the Town requirements.  Other members agreed.  With no further questions, the Commission thanked Mr. Delisle for attending the meeting and sharing his idea.

Mr. DeMallie presented an exhibit on behalf of his client, Dihn Luu of Visionrevenue.  An agreement with the developers of Evergreen Walk has been made to share vehicular access to Buckland Road and the utilities.  Therefore, Mr. DeMallie is requesting tax abatement from the Town.

The Chairperson suggested that Mr. DeMallie present an updated letter of request and a formal application for the Tax Partnership Program to the Town of South Windsor.  Vice-Chairman Carino suggested that Mr. DeMallie talk to Fred Shaw to discuss the agreement that was made between Evergreen Walk, LLC and the Landowner of this site, and have Town Attorney Barry Guliano review this agreement regarding the sewer system. The Commission thanked Mr. DeMallie for attending the meeting.


A motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 2004, Regular Meeting was made by Commissioner Morrison.  The motion was seconded by Vice-Chairman Carino and approved unanimously.

A motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2004, Regular Meeting was made by Vice-Chairman Carino.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lillis and approved unanimously.


Chairperson Anthony discussed the following items:

Evergreen Walk:  there was an article in the Journal Inquire and a list of stores that are going to be involved in this project.

Electro Methods, O & W Heat Treat, and MassConn:  As it was discussed in the last meeting the Tax Partnership Program has been approved by the Town Council.  The Chairperson read the letters that she received from the businesses expressing their appreciation.

Satellite Tool & Machine Co., Inc.: They submitted, prior to construction, an application for Tax Partnership Program to the Town of South Windsor.  The Town Council and the Town Manager reviewed this application for consideration, but because the correct procedure was not followed, the application was denied.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission

No report.

                b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

        No report.

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino
Vice-Chairman Carino stated that, as was discussed in Item # 5, he requested that Mr. DeMallie talk to Fred Shaw and review the agreement between Evergreen Walk and the Landowners of Vision Salon & Spa regarding the sewer system, and also have the Town Attorney, Barry Guliano, review this agreement.

Mr. Carino reported that in the last Water Pollution Control Authority meeting, it was discussed that on the East Side of Buckland Road there needs to be a connection made to the town sewers.  The Commission will look at how to put a short line on Buckland Road to go from the West Side to the East Side of Buckland Road.  The possibility of placing all the utilities underground was also discussed.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee

No report.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee

No report.

f)              Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee

No report.


a)              Economic Development Showcase and Golf Outing: As previously discussed in the last Economic     Development Commission meeting, a golf outing for the beginning of September was planned.  It           was in agreement that a breakfast gathering would be more appropriate, during the third week of                 September.

b)              Economic Development Assistance Fund: As was discussed in the last Economic Development         Commission meeting, it was suggested that someone from another Town with an Assistance Fund             be invited to this meeting to give their overview of the process.  Mr. Stevenson stated that he was             unable to bring someone for this meeting.

c)      Report from Economic Development Consultant Craig Stevenson, Connect to Connecticut

Siftex Equipment Co., 52 Connecticut Avenue: They are seeking to expand the existing 7k square foot facility to approximately 10k square foot, with ability to expand into 15k or 20k.  They are investigating the potential of locating in the new gateway project area.

OFS Corporation, 260 Ellington Road: They are seeking to acquire slightly over an acre to expand the existing facility by 10k square feet.  The appraisal has been conducted and Design Professionals is preparing a survey of the frontage.

Daniels Electric, 26 Sea Pave Road: They are seeking to expand and relocate the facility.  The plans include the development of an approximately 10k square foot office and a warehouse facility at Lot 13 Sandra Drive.

Schmidt Hermann Co., 247 Burnham Street: Mr. Peter Schmidt, the owner, is looking to relocate in order to expand and modernize his manufacturing facility.  He is considering an existing building on the South Windsor side of Burnham Street.  He has been presented with an information package, including a tax abatement application.  He is seeking an alternate location, as the initial location has encountered unexpected contingencies.

Industrial AirFlow Dynamics, Inc., 293 Oakwood Drive: As it was discussed in previous meetings, they are seeking to relocate in the former Hi-G Building.  The company needs a larger usable space to carry out their manufacturing activities.  They have been provided an informational package that includes an application.  However, the application has not been submitted.

HPC Food Service Company/Hartford Provision Company, Bristol, CT:  A family-owned food distribution company, they are considering relocation from Bristol because they need more space.  The facility currently has 63(k) square feet. Minimally, they need to increase to 100-120(k) square feet.  They are interested in the former US Food Service facility at 625 Nutmeg Road North.  They are seeking a favorable lease arrangement, and they would like assistance to finance leasehold improvements.  They currently have 115 employees and the expansion and relocation would result in fifty new employees over the next five years.  South Windsor, leasehold improvements, including a new roof, would expect to run at least $500,000.  Officials from the State DECD, along with the Town, met with the representatives of the company at their Bristol facility.  DECD will work with the company to develop a state incentive package to accompany any local incentives.

Stowe Kitchen & Bath, 75 John Fitch Blvd: They are outgrowing their existing facility and are contemplating expansion and relocation to a Sullivan Avenue location.  The new facility would also offer sub-lease opportunities for additional businesses.  They are interested in tax abatement incentives.

Mazak Corp, 10 Bidwell Road: It is an international company, manufacturing machine tools, which currently maintains a 10k square feet regional technology center in South Windsor.  The center functions as a training facility, sales office and development center.  They are seeking to upgrade to a more modern facility with the capacity to house a 100-ton crane.  The crane is used to move machines in and out of the facility for training, development and demonstrations.  Their first choice is to relocate in the I-291 gateway area.  A meeting has been held with the president of the U.S. Division.  Evergreen Walk, LLC has been informed of the company
Redevelopment Agency Activities:        In the last Redevelopment Agency Meeting, Evergreen Walk, LLC Richard Ripps & John Finguera were approved as the preferred developers for the I-291 zone.  Mr. Stevenson noted that a Memorandum of Understanding is being sent to the Landowners.


a)      Tax Abatement for Daniels Electric, Inc.

A motion to approve Tax Abatement for Daniels Electric, Inc. was made by Vice-Chairman Carino.  Commissioner Mitchell seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.


Mr. Stevenson asked the Commission if they are interested in offering a tax abatement on an spec building.  Commissioner Lillis feels that this might be appropriate because the Town does not have too many buildings that offer office space or leasing opportunities.

Chairperson Anthony mentioned WFSB, presently located in Hartford, CT.  They are looking to relocate and she sent a letter inviting them to the Town of South Windsor.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. by Commissioner Mitchell.  It was seconded by Commissioner Lillis and was unanimously passed.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary